My eldest daughter complained the other day “You didn’t raise [her siblings] like you did me.” My response? “I sure hope not.” With every child,…
Myth, Magic, and Mayhem
My eldest daughter complained the other day “You didn’t raise [her siblings] like you did me.” My response? “I sure hope not.” With every child,…
I’m happy to count Laurel as one of my friends, and today we’re revealing the cover of her newest book…The Twisting (in case you couldn’t…
I’m delighted to host a piece of K.T. Hannah’s beautiful cover for her new book, “Hybrid.” It’s the sequel to Chameleon, which you might not…
Release day has finally arrived for the third book in my Grimm Agency series, Wish Bound! I’ve been looking forward to this day ever since…
To celebrate the release of Wish Bound next month, I’m running a giveaway of real, physical copies of my books. You can enter for free,…
The gnomes are back…and they are no friendlier this time than ever before!
From now until Wish Bound releases, I’m going to be offering a cool promotion: Order Wish Bound, mail me proof of your receipt at authorjcnelson…
On Saturday, August 29th, I’ll be at Seattle Mystery Bookshop at, signing copies of Wish Bound and any other Grimm Agency books you’d like…
For those of you who’ve asked “When will the Grimm Agency series be available in audio form?” I’m delighted to say the answer is…now. Free…
It’s been a while since I posted, and with good reason! I’ve been heads down working on my next novel, a story that combines my…